Borek - Soft And Crispy Armenian Spinach & Cheese Turnovers
Borag, Borek, Bereg, Boreg, Boereg... they all spell delicious! The pronunciation, as well as the recipe will vary depending on the chef’s regional roots. Basically, everyone has their version of a this cheese turnover, sometimes stuffed with different fillings.
They're usually triangle-shaped, although tray-style Boreks, baked in a pan and then cut into squares, are also common. Boreks are beloved by the Armenians, but are equally prized throughout the countries that were once a part of the Ottoman Empire, such as Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, and Serbia.
A classic Armenian mezze, the Boreks are the flaky puff pastries filled with a range of cheeses and spinach - a delicious appetizer enjoyed by millions of Armenians around the world. Whether the homemade or store-bought, some people prefer puff pastry for preparing Borek, while others swear by phyllo dough.
The former is softer and thicker, whereas the latter is lighter, crispier and more delicate. The dough is cut into small squares and filled with a mixture of Feta, Kashkaval, Ricotta or Spinach. Aromatic herbs and alliums like parsley, dill, and scallion are common additions to either style, and eggs are usually added as a binder. Finally, it is baked or fried to golden perfection!
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