Lake Sevan Sig: Another Delicious Fish To Try On Your Trip To Armenia
Sig or, as it is often called in Armenia “Siga” is a valuable freshwater fish of the salmon family that lives in Lake Sevan in Armenia. Sevan is the largest lake in the Caucasus and one of the largest freshwater high-altitude lakes in the world.
Given the unique conditions of Sig's habitat (temperature, the quality of water, flora & fauna of the lake), the Sevan's Sig has a special taste that distinguishes it from more than 40 representatives of its species, making it a true value for gourmets.
Despite the artificial introduction of this fish into the Lake Sevan (Sig was brought to Armenia in the 30-40s of the last century from the northern Lake Ladoga in Russia) - the cuisine of modern Armenia can no longer be imagined without all kinds of dishes and snacks made from Sig.
In the 1990s, in the conditions of a transport blockade and an economic and food crisis in Armenia, it was Sig that saved the Armenian people from starvation. During this period, both in catering establishments and in homes of Armenians, a lot of the most incredible recipes for cooking this fish were created: sausages, meatballs, dumplings and much more were prepared from it.
Today Sig is the main commercial fish of Lake Sevan. Sig is widely consumed in Armenia, and it is easy to buy at roadsides and food markets, and even at your doorstep, delivered by vendors in coolers.
The Sig's tender white meat is distinguished by excellent taste, juiciness and a unique useful composition, rich with fats, proteins, vitamins and trace elements.
Sig can be prepared in a variety of ways: fried, grilled, stuffed or baked in the oven, boiled, smoked, as the filling in dumplings, as the meatballs, consisting of ground Sig. Sig can even replace the traditional meat filling for Dolma. Shredded smoked Sig's meat can also be added to pie fillings, salads, appetizers, etc.
As the tasty appetizer, the Sig’s red caviar is excellent both for every day and for a festive table. It is great for making snacks and sandwiches, as well as salads.
During the tour to Lake Sevan you will relax on the lake's beaches, visit the medieval monasteries and taste the local Sig. The restaurants, that we usually invite our guests to have a lunch during the trip to Sevan, are all located on the shores of the lake, so you will enjoy the food and fantastic views of the lake.
Do not deny yourself the pleasure of trying the real Sevan Sig, prepared in the best Armenian traditions!
For more information about the best dining options at Lake Sevan, contact us at
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