The 4th century Armenian Apostolic Monastery Ktuts, Lake Van, Turkey
Ktuts (meaning “beak” in Armenian) is an abandoned 4th century Armenian monastery on the small island also named Ktuts (Çarpanak) located on Lake Van in Turkey.
According to tradition, the monastery was founded in the 4th century by Saint Gregory the Illuminator, after his return from Rome. It contained the venerated relic of hand of John the Baptist, which was kept in a reliquary, which now held at the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
The monastery was most likely destroyed in an earthquake in 1648, before being rebuilt in the 18th century with funding from the people of Bagesh. It became one of the two seats of the Armenian Apostolic diocese Lim and Ktuts.
At the time of the Hamidian massacres of 1894-1896, many refugees took shelter at the monastery. However this could not be repeated during the Armenian genocide in 1915, as access to the island was prevented by the Ottoman police. Since that time, the monastery has been abandoned and desecrated by black treasure hunters.
The Ktuts Monastery was known for its scriptorium, and the manuscripts saved from this monastery are currently on display in Matenadaran, Yerevan.