Дамы и господа,
Все члены болгарской группы, посетившие Армению очень опытные путешественники, люди, побывавшие во многих странах мира.
Это дает нам повод еще больше и по достоинству оценить качества дамы, которая была нашим гидом во время короткого пребывания в вашей прекрасной Армении - Лилит Микаелян. Мы очарованы ее высоким профессионализмом, преданности делу, высокой культурой и воспитанием, тактичностью и почтенностью.
Всего за три дня Лили (как ласково звучит ее имя на болгарском языке), удалось заставить нас полюбить, даже влюбиться в историю, культуру и в людей Армении. Преданность, любовь и достоинство, с которым сопровождался нелегкий труд Лили, сделал всех нас, навсегда, послами Армении и утвердил наше благоговение и восхищение к страданиям и героизму братского армянского народа.
Мы видим трудности которые сопутствуют вас сегодня, но остаемся глубоко убеждены в том, что Армения будет и возродится. Народ с такой историей, культурой и вкладом в мировое наследии человечества имеет свое место в сердцах людей по всему миру.
Лилит, примите нашу благодарность, мы полюбили ваш народ и родину, часть наших сердец остались в Армении, навсегда!
С уважением,
А. Драганова, Б.Захариева, М. Мирчева, Т. Цекова, Д. Игнатова, М. Терзиева, С. Стоилова, Е. Янева, Ф. Босилкова, Б. Поборников, С. Поборникова, Б. Калчев, В. Стамболски

It was a wonderful trip through a wonderful country.
Everything was fine, the bus, the driver (what a nice guy), the hotels, the food and of course our guide. Shushan was a perfect guide, a nice and friendly woman. She knew everything about the history of your country, the people and their habits. In one word, it was PERFECT! We will certainly recommend your agency to our friends.
Kind regards,
Clarita, Paul, Marek, Purita, Johan and Marieanne

Greetings from Dubai:)
Trust you are doing well. We really had a wonderful time in Armenia. Thanks for making our trip wonderful:) Take care and if you happen to visit Dubai do visit us.
Priya John

Thank you Phoenix Tour for helping us arranging our tour in Armenia and Georgia. It was a quick yet fruitful getaway during Eid holidays. Special thanks to Onik Hovakimyan who has been very helpful, caring, patient tour guide and friend to all of us.
You guys rock!

Thank you so much for the warmest welcome!
We absolutely enjoyed the Armenian hospitality and would love to share this experience all across UAE. I received very positive feedback about the hotel, transfers, and all the tours from our group. Please extend our warmest thanks to Ani and Artush, they were quite nice, knowledgeable and very patient with us.
Kudos and more power to Phoenix Tour!
Edmond Manalili, UAE

In respect to my client Ms. Maluli Sayalak. Actually, Armenia was the highlight of her trip. Thank you soooo much for taking care of her. Absolutely no complains a big high five for all of you!
Martha Torres,
sales agent for ETC

I would like to thank you on behalf of my guests for your work!
They were absolutely satisfied and had a very great holiday in Armenia. They use the words: "our guide" was more than a guide, he is a warm hearted, lovely man, who became our friend, and would like to give us as much as possible of his knowledge within this short period as he could. Their favorite moment was when they stopped to buy something, but the shop was closed and the neighbors next house invited them to eat together, so the Armenian hospitality is endless 🙂
Thanks again to all your team!

Mr. Costas Christ, visiting our office at Ani Plaza Hotel in Yerevan. Costas Christ is an award-winning travel writer and editor at large for National Geographic Traveler where he frequently writes about sustainable tourism. Earlier in the day we had a very productive meeting with Mr. Christ under the auspices of the Initiatives for Development of Armenia (IDeA) Charitable Foundation and the UITO (The Union of Incoming Operators of Armenia), where we were able to discuss the great deal of the issues of tourism industry in Armenia.

We were very satisfied with the itinerary you set for us. I would rate our tour guide Ara as excellent, he definitely added a lot of insight to the culture which proved both educational and interesting. Overall, we had a great experience with your company and would definitely recommend you to my friends!
Sheena and Kristine, Dubai

Dear Ms Karine,
We had very nice tour with your friendly care. I was deeply impressed by the brilliant cultures of your ancestors, especially the Armenian alphabet which had created 1,000 years earlier than our character, Hangul. I hope we have another chance to meet again!
Best wishes,
Jae Youl Uhm, South Korea