Excellent tour guide in each country, especially for Ali in Iran, and Anna in Armenia. They are all very professional on historical knowledge sharing and caring for the customer.
Great coordination for each country boarder crossing and smooth on country’s transfer. Nice food arrangement for lunch and dinner in each country, I tried almost every specialty with fantastic flavor.
Comfortable hotel stay and safe drive experience in each country, as every day we had to spent about 6-8 hours on the road.
Wei Ling, China


Dear Phoenix Team,
We have received very good feedback with regards to the service provided by you towards Mr. Nagulan’s trip, thank you for taking good care of our mutual client. Appreciate all your assistance. Will keep in touch for any further bookings!

Dear Karine
A big thank you for the Armenia part of our trip, which has been fantastic. Onik has been a most excellent driver and companion. His courtesy, tolerance and humour have been particularly welcome considering the age of our fellow traveler. We will be recommending you and Armenia to our friends in the UK.
Susie and John Ingham

Nagyon élveztük az utazást, gördülékeny, jól szervezett volt. Sok kulturális és természeti szépséget láttunk, az idegenvezető nagyon felkészült volt, minden kérdésre tudott válaszolni, és sok érdekességet mondott az országokról és a vidékről.
Üdvözlettel: B.Z.

I visited Armenia as a member of the tourist group of the Estonian Travel Agency Sandberg Reisid. Being very inspired and impressed, I’m very happy to say best thanks to everybody in Armenia who made our stay nice and pleasant.
For me it was a very special trip because the unusually small group, eight persons only – which made a close, nearly family relation with everybody. The program was interesting and optimal: not too long traveling and not too long days, but lots of impressions and knowledge. So we got lots of impressions but also enough time to relax.
Both lodgings, in Yerevan and at the Apaga mountain resort, were good. I value especially high the position on hotel Cascade in the center of Yerevan, which made very easy to have individual walks in town. Both hotels had good service and nice choice on breakfast buffet; the lunches and dinners at various restaurants gave good overview of Armenian cuisine.
Bus driver Mesrop was very professional, kind, helpful and friendly. Everybody said after the trips that it was a very safe drive with him even in the most difficult parts of the tour.
Also, our guide Lilit was very professional. As we had pretty long time to wait in Kiev on our way back home, I also asked the impressions of my travel-mates about Lilit’s work. Everybody pointed out accuracy and keeping on the agenda, being well organized but flexible and keeping in mind the wishes of participants. Very impressive is her brilliant knowledge on Armenian history, culture and everyday life and everything was presented in fluent perfect Russian with very good enunciation.
Not surprisingly maybe all of us said that they would like to have another trip to Armenia, may be mostly in the south regions of the country - and, of course, to have Lilit as the guide and Mesrop as the driver on this trip.
So, I say many thanks for this wonderful trip with the best guide I ever met during my pretty many travels. The company has to be proud having so outstanding co-workers.
Best regards,
Toomas Jüriado

We have been working with Phoenix Tour Armenia as a partner for almost a 3 years now. I did not want to miss the opportunity to give well-deserved thanks to Mrs. Karine Hovsepyan and Phoenix Tour Armenia Team. A word of advice for the Indian would-be travelers to Armenia - I would heartily recommend Phoenix Tour Armenia to any and everyone who is considering a trip to Armenia. The Team goes above and beyond to make your vacation a memorable one!
Mr. Shajith Apa

Всей семей хотим передать вам слова благодарности за прекрасное время, которое мы провели в Армении. Все было организованно очень профессионально, мы увидели и узнали намного больше чем ожидали. Маленькая страна с древней историей, много достопримечательностей, многообразная природа и рельеф, теплый ласкающий климат. Очень доброжелательные люди, всегда с улыбкой и открытым сердцем. Мы все оставили в Армении кусочек своего сердца, мы обязательно приедем еще раз, некоторые из нас хотят даже переехать жить в Армению!

Dear Phoenix Tour Team,
Thank you very much for the well organized Fam Trip to Armenia. Now we are safely back to Bangkok with a good memory of beautiful Armenia. We were impressed with the destination and have more confidence to promote it to the market. Once again, thank you for the wonderful trip you arranged for us!

Уважаемая Карина и сотрудники "ФениксТура",
Xотим Вам выразить огромную признательность за прекрасную организацию нашего отдыха в Армении! 10 дней пролетели как одно мгновение! Каждый день нас ждали новые интересные места. От нашего гида мы узнали много фактов из истории страны. Благодаря Вашей фирме мы увидели все прекрасные уголки Армении. Это прекрасная страна которой хочется восхищаться!
С удовольствием вернемся, еще не раз! Всем рекомендуем!
С уважением, Cемья Шадриных. Санкт-Петербург, Россия