Did You Know That A Ribbon With Coins On The Forehead Is An Important Part Of The Armenian Women's National Costume Taraz?
Under the cap, a strip of fabric or ribbons with gold or silver coins was fixed on the ladies forehead, for it was associated with the place of consciousness and reason.
Armenians strongly believed that the coins would protect the woman from evil forces and give prosperity and fertility. It was believed that the jingle and tinkling of these coins was able to protect from evil. The Armenians believed that the metal was of heavenly origin, and since the sound of metal jewelry was similar to the sound of thunder, it could protect from evil spirits.
Only married women wore such jewelry. By this headdress, people could judge the wealth and status of her husband. For example, it was possible to recognize the wife of a wealthy merchant by two ribbons with coins on her forehead.
Generally, the headdress of wealthy Armenian women was distinguished by the rows of gold coins, however, the women with an average income were content with silver jewelry, but tried to attach at least one gold coin in the middle.