Phoenix Tour Armenia / Blog (Page 13)

Molokans - Adding Ethnic Color To A Homogeneous Armenia

Molokans In Armenia

Molokans are a Russian Christian sect, which split from Russia’s Orthodox Church in the 16th century, and were persecuted under the Russian tsars. By the early 19h century, the Molokans sought refuge in Armenia and in other South Caucasus countries. Currently they number about 3,000...

White Storks - A Cultural Icon Of Armenia

White Storks In Armenia

The Stork ("Aragil") is traditionally considered a sacred bird in Armenian legends and mythology, and it was regarded as the messenger of Ara the Beautiful, as well as the defender of fields. As such, the stork has often been a source of inspiration from the...

Zhingyalov Hats - Armenia's Favorite Snack

Zhingyalov hats

Zhingyalov hats, or jingalov hats - is a hallmark dish from Nagorno-Karabakh (Republic of Artsakh), and if you ever visit the Stepanakert bustling market, you can taste the real deal made fresh in front of you. In recent years, the popularity of this Vegan friendly...



A highlight of any visit to Armenia, Matenadaran, officially the Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts – is a museum, repository of manuscripts and a research institute in Yerevan. It holds one of the world's richest depositories of medieval manuscripts and books which span a...

Yazidis In Armenia

Yazidis In Armenia

Armenian Yazidis are a subgroup of Yazidis settled in Armenia, where they form the largest minority group. They are recognized as a distinct ethnic group in Armenia and are well integrated into the Armenian society, with freedom of religion and non-interference in their cultural traditions. ...

Ishkhan - The Most Popular Armenian Freshwater Fish


Ishkhan is considered a delicacy in Armenia, and can be prepared in an infinite number of ways, usually poached and flavored with bay leaves, fresh tarragon, and peppercorns. You can order it be boiled, grilled, fried or braised with almonds. It is also delicious when...

The Last Armenian King Is Not Buried In Armenia

King Leon V

The remains of the last Armenian king rest in the Basilica of St. Denis, France, alongside other members of French monarchy. Leon V was the last king of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia. Cilicia had served for almost three centuries as a bastion of Christianity...

Armenian Basturma


Armenian Basturma is highly seasoned, air-dried raw beef, flavored with garlic and 'chaman' paste (the mix of pungent spices that’s heavy on fenugreek and paprika). The first recorded mention of Basturma was between 95-45 BC in Armenia during the reign of Tigranes the Great....

Mount Aragats

Mount Aragats

Aragats, formerly one of the largest volcanoes in the world, is the highest peak of Armenia (4,090m/13,419 ft). People come here to enjoy the scenery of Aragats, experience the alpine zone of the Mount, and to see the meadows decorated with colorful flowers. ...